Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Fire" Works

So I am obviously not a frequent blogger so to update everyone on our lives I will start with our fourth of July. We spent the day being lazy together watching movies and playing cards. In the evening we went to Harrison and Tarrant's house for a bbq with their roommate Steve. We ate yummy food, played singstar, and watched Team America. That night we did our own little fireworks in the street which were fun. As Eddy and I were driving home about 11:15 our night started to get a bit more exciting. As we were heading to get on the freeway we stopped to watch a huge fire across the freeway at the Kenecott mines. It was insane how fast the fire would rise up and as the firemen tried to put it out and control it it would just spread farther. So we called Tarrant and Harrison. They decided to meet us to watch the fire. When they arrived we walked closer to the freeway to see it. As we were walking two cars sped by us one on the other guys bumper. The next thing we hear a huge crash and a guy yelling "I have a kid in my car" but not so nicely. We started to run towards the accident and the guy that had hit the car in front did a 3 point turn and started to speed off. People all around tried to close in the guy with their cars and Eddy even jumped in front of the car! But this guy was not slowing down. Luckily Eddy jumped out of the way and civilians raced after him in their minivans. There were cops at the intersection to the freeway so were right there and able to quickly follow him. Thankfully the car that was hit containing a man his wife and their toddler were all fine just shaken up. After watching this it was hard for me to hold back tears. Even though no one was hurt I felt horrible for them and disgusted with the man that had hit them. I also was in shock from Eddy jumping in front of a speeding car. I couldn't help but feel like I could've been riding in an ambulance with him that night. Although I know now that is a little dramatic.

So since the fourth of July Eddy has started his training at Red Robin which officially opens next week. He is loving it but feeling a little worn out since training has been almost every day the past week. I have been working, spending some time with Daniel for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBSU), and going to the gym. I have decided to participate in a 5k with my aunt in September so I am beginning to train for that and build up my endurance.

That is really about it going on with us for right now. We aren't the most exciting couple;) just kidding!