Thursday, May 21, 2009

4 Weeks

Bodhi is now 4 weeks old!! It has gone by so fast already. I can tell he has definitely grown but is still small. We get stopped every where and asked how old he is and told how cute he is. It is nice to know our baby is so cute but Eddy and I are not the type of people that like being stopped by strangers and getting a lot of attention. It is especially awkward when they touch him. So Bodhi is still struggling with sleeping at night. The longest he will usually sleep for is about 2 hours at a time. We have decided that he has his days and nights mixed up. I decided to look up how to help your baby sleep through the night and I found this site,,,40rf,00.html, that has 8 tips for helping your baby sleep through the night. They are:
1. Keep to a Routine- Help your baby realize that night is for sleeping and day is for being awake. This means waking your baby up if they like to sleep more during the day.

2. When your baby is napping during the day keep him in a well lit area- This encourages your baby to take shorter naps and will help him sleep better at night.

3. During the day nurse in a quiet darkened room- This causes less destractions so the baby will eat longer and get all the nutrients he needs during the day.

4. If your baby uses a pacifer allow him to meet his sucking needs at your breast instead- Regular nursing sessions during the day may help to reduce his middle of the night waking.

5. When nursing, feed your baby off of one breast- This will provide him with more of your rich hindmilk, which may also help to space out his nighttime feeds.

6. Carry your baby- Especially in the evening to help him transition to sleep, carrying him around in a swing or just in your arms helps him relax.

7. Keep the evening calm- Try to do calming activities in the evening. For example if your baby finds baths calming do those in the evening. If your baby finds them stimulating and it wakes them up do them in the mornings.

8. Nurse in a darkened room at night- Try to keep him calm and relaxed when he wakes up to eat at night. Try to avoid changing diapers at night so that he can learn night time is for sleeping.

I have been trying to use these tips for the last couple of days and so far they seem to have helped a little bit. Bodhi may not be sleeping very long at night but he has been falling back to sleep after eating a lot easier and faster than he was before.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

3 Weeks

Everything is going pretty well at our house. Bodhi is at the stage that he wants to eat almost constantly and doesn't want to sleep at night. When we first brought Bodhi home the doctor told us to keep him on a schedule during the day, so wake him up every three hours to eat, and then at night just let him sleep and wake up on his own to eat. By doing this she said that he would be more likely to sleep longer at night. We have been really good about keeping him on this schedule. Instead of sleeping longer at night he has just kept this schedule of waking up about every three hours which has been fine. But now he is waking up every hour- hour and a half to eat for about 3 hours or more and then will sleep for about 3-4 hours. I have heard that this is a stage that babies go through at three weeks to help your body produce more milk since they are growing and will need more milk. Last night was lots of fun with him waking up every 20 mins from 11:30 till 3:00 am. Hopefully this stage will end soon, especially before I have to go back to work. Bodhi has also been awake more often during the days which is fun and has started to smile, although he does not smile at anything in particular. So that is about all our life consists of at the moment.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

2 week check up

Yesterday Bodhi and I both had our two week check ups! Bodhi went first and he is doing extremely well. He now weighs 6 lbs!! The doctors were very impressed with his weight gain. I just hope he doesn't grow up too fast:( He also now has the cutest little tummy button, his umbilical cord fell out about two days ago.

My doctor appt. went really well as well. My blood pressure is finally down and they are letting me go off the meds they put me on in the hospital. I have lost 31 lbs in the past two weeks and now I only have about 25 more to go before I am down to my pre-pregnancy weight. (yes I gained 56 lbs during my pregnancy but a majority of that was water weight from my swelling due to my preclampsia) My incision has healed really well and I am no longer on any pain killers. I am still not allowed to drive or do anything too crazy but I can walk normal now, bend over, and get in and out of bed and chairs without wanting to cry:)

Eddy has gone back to work and says he misses us lots, and of course we miss him lots! I am not totally looking forward to going back to work I will miss my little baby but it will be nice to get out of the house.

This Friday my mum and I are going to take Bodhi, Courtney, and Nevaeh to the zoo. I know Bodhi will have no clue what is going on but I am excited we love the zoo and go often. This weekend is also my first Mother's day which should be fun. We are going to a big luncheon on Saturday with Eddy's family and mine. I love having my family so close and being able to celebrate all the holidays and having them close to help out. I was so lucky to have my parents out here just in time for Bodhi's birth it was such a scary time and it was so nice to have my parents as well as Eddy's there for support and they helped out soo much!

I have more pictures I want to post but I need to find the cord for my camera. So hopefully soon I will have pictures!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The pictures kind of go backwards starting at the bottom shows when they were pulling Bodhi out of my tummy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bodhi is Here!

So as everyone probably already knows Bodhi was born last Wednesday when I went in for my doctors appointment. We found out that I had severe preclampsia and was sent to the hospital for tests. After the results we were told that Bodhi needed to be born after being told our options we decided to go ahead with a C-Section and Bodhi was born at 10:30 pm. He weighed 5 lbs 7 oz. and was 17.5 inches long. We had to stay at the hospital till Sunday and then were finally allowed to come home. We are now just at home trying to get used to Bodhi waking us up and recovering from my surgery.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Time

So since my last post we have actually been very busy! My family came out to visit in March to come to Eddy and my sealing. We were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on March 17th. That same night Eddy's sister Suzanne had her baby boy Easton. That same week we had our baby shower which was very fun and we were lucky to receive almost everything that we needed! Thank you to all of those who came.

Then just this last weekend my family decided to move out here. After looking for houses for them we found one in Hooper that seemed perfect, a little small in some ways but you can't be picky in times like these. So we spent Sunday and part of Monday helping them move in... well rather Eddy and everyone else did. I tried to entertain all the young children so that they wouldn't be in the way but even that was difficult. As I am coming to the end of my pregnancy I am finding it hard to do much.

There is only 4 more weeks till Bodhi is due and we are extremely anxious and hoping that he will be here a little earlier:) I have a doctors appt today and then one every Wednesday for the next four weeks so we will be finding out more soon. We also have our child birthing class this weekend which should be interesting since I am almost clueless to how things are going to happen and I am getting very nervous about it.

So besides pregnancy and family moving out we are still working and finishing up school. Eddy finished a week or so ago and I have about another 2 weeks left. We are excited for the summer and want to do some fun things with Bodhi like going to California and/or Vegas.

I will try and update everyone on our doctor's appt later this week or next week and inform you all of Bodhi's progression!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cold Season

Not much has been new. Eddy and I have both been working and going to school just waiting for Bodhi to come. I have been sick on and off for about the past month catching all the different colds that are going around. Bodhi has been moving lots and we both enjoy feeling him kick.

Exciting things are coming up this March. I am going through the temple for the first time March 13th and then March 17th Eddy and I are being sealed! All my family is coming out to be here for it so we are also having the baby shower while they are here. I am really excited to spend time with my family, Courtney, and Nevaeh. It will be a nice break from working and going to school all the time.

I will post again when something notable happens:)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Bodhi and Christmas Updates

We had another doctors appointment today. We went over the ultra sound with the doctor. Everything looks good and healthy. Little Bodhi is a little small at this point weighing about a half pound. The doctor said that he will probably be born around 7 lbs. which would be nice for me:) We also found out according to our ultra sound that the baby's due date is actually May 21st which is my 21st birthday! Of course this does not mean that he will be born then but I have a feeling he will be.

We had a nice relaxing vacation in Nebraska with my family over Christmas. We received a lot of cute things for Bodhi and fun things for ourselves. The break was spent watching movies, playing scrabble and phase 10, and eating lots of yummy food with my family. I was really sad to leave and miss them already. They really just need to move out here;)