This past year has been full of many changes, especially in the last 5 months. I broke up with my boyfriend of two years, started going back to church, started dating again which was weird after being with someone for two years, made some lifestyle changes such as taking out piercings, became super close with my family again, and biggest one of all started dating Eddy and we decided to get married. Overall this year has been pretty tough at times but I feel I have accomplished a lot for the better.
So Eddy and I are getting married on March 15th 2008. We have a lot to do in the next 2 and a half months. What an exciting way to start the new year! With the many changes happening in 2008 I have a few goals that I would like to set for myself.
1. Do not let planning a wedding effect my school work and stress levels.
2. Continue being consistent working out at the gym and retain the weight I am at.
3. Pay off credit cards.
4. Spend on a budget and save money.
5. Finish reading the Book of Mormon.
6. Receive Patriarchal Blessing.
As of right now these are the major ones that I would like to work on. I feel that they are realistic and hope that the new year will go smooth with all the major things happening!
Monday, December 31, 2007
The end of 2007
Posted by Kayti at 2:50 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Sweetest Thing...
So Eddy and I decided on Thanksgiving that we wanted to get married. He asked my parents, who of course said yes, and we started looking for rings. Last Friday it became official! Eddy came to my house to pick me up and brought me flowers! We then went to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. All through dinner he was teasing me about how I wasn't going to get my ring for awhile I knew of course that he was just as anxious as I was for me to have the ring on my finger! He told me that we had to stop by the Joseph Smith Memorial building to drop off some clothes for a friend that was attending a wedding reception there. Traffic was horrible and it took us forever to get there and then parking was full so we parked in front in the 5 min. parking zone and ran inside. Eddy was carrying a brown bag that supposedly had his friends clothes in it and "called" him to let him know we were there. We went upstairs to where it was looking over the huge Christmas tree. I'm looking at the tree when Eddy pulls a pink build-a-bear out of the brown bag I look at it confused and ask "why does Roger have a pink bear?!" Eddy laughs and hands me the bear saying it's for you! On the paw it says push me so I push the hand and a recording of Eddy's voice says, "Kayti will you marry me?" I'm so preoccupied with the bear that I didn't notice Eddy kneel down in front of me and get out my ring. I look down and almost started crying as he asked me himself if I would marry him! Of course I said yes and we kissed and hugged. It was honestly one of the sweetest things ever. I am marrying one of the sweetest guys alive!!

At Dinner the next night
Posted by Kayti at 10:52 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 7, 2007
Flash Back Friday!
So this is the 16 year old me hanging out at Stephanie's Brothers' apartment one day. We were probably supposed to be in school but I am not sure and yes my shirt says oversized sacs it was from the love sac store. Nothing too exciting to share other then I was a blonde and will probably never do that again. I do miss my long hair though...
Posted by Kayti at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 30, 2007
Flash Back Friday!
So today is the first day of Flash Back Friday! Thanks to Claire...
This is New Years eve of 2004. Claire had come home to visit from Utah. For everyone that knows us Claire and I never got a long very well. I guess with her not living at home we ended up getting along for her visit because we have a series of goofy pictures like this. It was very late at night and we had fun. Makes me miss Michigan a little bit:(
Posted by Kayti at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tagged by Claire...
So Claire has been bugging me to write on here so she finally tagged me so I have to write now...
6 things that aren't commonly known about me...
** I am extremely afraid of the Ocean and Lakes. I hate water animals like fish, whales, and sharks. It is funny though I love to go boating and fishing just don't expect me to get in the water or touch the fish I catch!
**I hate spoons...I am not afraid of them just for the record and I will use one if I have no other choice but I prefer to use a fork. I eat my ice cream, cereal, pudding, and so on with a fork.
** I like to play video games. I do not play that much because I am usually pretty busy but I really enjoy playing Halo, Mario Brothers, any racing games, and more.
** I am totally a Daddy's girl! I talk to my mum all the time and I'm super close to her but when I am sick or really upset all I really want is my daddy to rub my back!
** I love to colour and draw. Not many people know this but recently I have been drawing pictures a lot and then colouring them and it has become a favourite past time of mine!
** I am a perfectionist when it comes to school. I get very mad with myself if I do not do well on an assignment or a quiz. I have to get good grades!
So tonight we leave for Nebraska! I am extremely excited to see my parents and siblings. I miss them lots and Eddy is coming with us so I am very excited for him to hang out with my family and spend the holidays with him:)
Posted by Kayti at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Real Thing...
So Claire, my older sister, made this blog for me hoping that I would continually write on it. So here I am writing... Everything so far including the first post and the about me was done by her. Just so everyone knows that I am not conceited and do not think I am drop dead gorgeous and hopefully that explains some of the other random things written on here.
So now for the real thing...
My name is Kayti Rollins. I am 19 years old and living in Salt Lake City with my aunt, cousins, and brother. I moved out here just over two years ago right after graduating high school in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I am currently attending Salt Lake Community College working on my generals. Still not quite sure what I want to do career wise, most likely elementary school teaching. I work for a Video Game Development Company where I am the receptionist. I have been here for about 2 years and love my job overall. I have an amazing family, that for the most part lives in Nebraska. There is my Mummy and Daddy then my older sister, Claire, that lives in Phoenix, Arizona and is married to Scott. They have a beautiful little girl Cecelia Shannon that I love to death! Next is my big brother, Harrison. He is the best big brother anyone could ask for! He is always there for me and is way over protective so boys ya better watch out! he he Me and Harrison are pretty close and both live with my aunt in her basement. We also work together...He is a test lead. Next comes me in the family and then Tarrant. Tarrant is a smarty pants! He just graduated high school at 17 with somewhere around 40 college credits! He is going to do something big ha ha. The last boy of the family is Cooper "Trooper". He just started playing football this year and has really gotten into it as well as weightlifting. The youngster of the family is Tressie Lynn. She is the milk man's baby. The Only blonde of the family. She is actually starting to look a lot like me now a days but she is going to be a heart breaker when she is older.
So thats about it for now I guess. I am sure I will write again soon. Happy Halloween!
Posted by Kayti at 12:37 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Men In My Life
This is my brother in law Scott. He's a cop, so don't mess with me, or you'll have to mess with him!! He is holding my adorable niece, Cecelia.
This is Eddy, aka Wookie. He is Scott's best friend, and we aren't really engaged. We did this as a joke to trick Scott.
This is Tyson. He's my cousin. We go way back. He use to call me KitKat and I hated it. He's getting married in February. Yay Tyson. That's my adorable niece that he's holding.
This is Duncan. He’s one of my cousins that I live with. He wants to be a songwriter when he grows up, or a superhero. He also claims to be able to read people’s dreams. He’s a talented kid. In this photo, my adorable niece is, in the words of Duncan, “surfing on a Duncan!”These are my brothers, Tarrant and Cooper. They live in Nebraska.
This is my older brother, Harrison. We work for the same company. We also live in my aunt's basement together.
Posted by Kayti at 2:47 PM 0 comments