Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tagged by Claire...

So Claire has been bugging me to write on here so she finally tagged me so I have to write now...

6 things that aren't commonly known about me...

** I am extremely afraid of the Ocean and Lakes. I hate water animals like fish, whales, and sharks. It is funny though I love to go boating and fishing just don't expect me to get in the water or touch the fish I catch!

**I hate spoons...I am not afraid of them just for the record and I will use one if I have no other choice but I prefer to use a fork. I eat my ice cream, cereal, pudding, and so on with a fork.

** I like to play video games. I do not play that much because I am usually pretty busy but I really enjoy playing Halo, Mario Brothers, any racing games, and more.

** I am totally a Daddy's girl! I talk to my mum all the time and I'm super close to her but when I am sick or really upset all I really want is my daddy to rub my back!

** I love to colour and draw. Not many people know this but recently I have been drawing pictures a lot and then colouring them and it has become a favourite past time of mine!

** I am a perfectionist when it comes to school. I get very mad with myself if I do not do well on an assignment or a quiz. I have to get good grades!

So tonight we leave for Nebraska! I am extremely excited to see my parents and siblings. I miss them lots and Eddy is coming with us so I am very excited for him to hang out with my family and spend the holidays with him:)