We went for our ultra sound on Monday and found out that we are having a boy! I had a feeling that it was a boy. We are very excited to know for sure that we are having little Bodhi. It was so cool to actually see my little boy inside my tummy. I could've watched for hours he was so active at the time the doctor had a hard time getting all the pictures she needed. It was amazing to see him moving inside me!! Only about 5 more months left. We can hardly wait.
Tomorrow we leave for Nebraska to have Christmas with my family. We are driving out with my Aunt Rhaelene, two of her children, and my brothers. It should be a fun drive:) I am really excited to see my family again so soon and just have the time off with Eddy. Life has been so hectic working to make up for the time that I had off after I lost my job.
I have currently found a parttime job at the First Baptist Child Care Center. They take children from ages 4 weeks old up until they go to kindergarten. It is like many daycares but has a very well structured curriculum. I really enjoy working there the other teachers are great and the children are so much fun. Sadly it does not necessarily pay the best and it is parttime. So I am still searching for something a bit more stable. I am hoping that possibly after the baby is born or if something opens up fulltime there that I will be able to stay there.
Well that is about all for now! There will definitely be updates after Christmas and with more developments with the baby.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Posted by Kayti at 8:18 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
2nd Doctor's appointment
So I didn't post after our last doctors appointment mainly because I have been so busy. The day before my last doctors appointment, November 19th, I was laid off of my job due to financial issues and them not being able to support all their employees. That has been a big bummer due to the fact that I have been there for almost three years, it is the best job for going to school, and being pregnant. So now two weeks later I still have not found a job that will support us the same way. I am picking up extra shifts at Applebee's but that is no fun working there while being pregnant. To go along with all that it is the end of the semester and I have been swamped with end of the semester projects and so on. This semester has been extremely difficult and I am not so sure how well I did:(
Besides all that we are doing pretty well. We are making it by paying all our bills. My family was just in town for Thanksgiving and that was so much fun to spend time with them and the two little girls they have taken in. We went to the zoo, the temple to see the lights, shopping, and so much more. Playing with those little girls makes me so sad for them if they do have to return to their home. It also makes me so excited for when our baby comes!! My last doctor appointment went well. We heard the heartbeat again this time much louder. Our next appointment is the 18th and then on the 22nd we find out the gender of the baby... cross your fingers for a boy;) We are both very anxious to find out the gender. We are very lucky to have gotten so many donations from family and friends that we already have a stroller, carseat, crib, playpen with bassinet and diaper changing station, and lots of cute clothes and blankets! With all the struggles going on lately we have been very lucky to have our family around to help:)
I will try to be more prompt with updating after our next doctors appointments so we can share with everyone the exciting news of the baby's gender!!
Posted by Kayti at 7:52 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
First Doctors Appointment
Today was our first doctors appointment. I really like my nurse midwife she was really nice and excited for us. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat. She had a hard time finding it at first but once she found it, it was loud and strong. Our next appointment is November 20th and we are really hoping to find out the gender of the baby then!
Besides baby stuff I have been super busy and stressed out with school. I have had so many projects and midterms all at once! We mostly spend our time with our favourite people, Katie, Travis, and my brothers, playing Halo and going to movies.
We have found a two bedroom apartment in our complex and signed the papers for it yesterday. We get to move next weekend! We are very excited since this apartment is over twice the size of the one we are in now. It will be much easier to hold our Sunday evening Halo sessions and have friends and family over.
Halloween is also next weekend and I am so excited! I love this time of year. The weather, the leaves falling, the food, holidays, and fun things to do! Ed has not decided on what he wants to dress up as so any ideas let us know... I was going to dress up as the wicked witch of the East by making a house out of a cardboard box and then wearing striped stockings and red shoes. Although I just have not had the time and energy to make a house out of a box. So I am now falling back on just being a witch. We get to dress up for a ward Halloween party, my work party, and then this year we are having our first annual Halloween Halo Party at Harrison and Tarrant's. We are all going to dress up have good food, give out candy, watch some movies, and play some Halo late into the night!
Next month my family is coming out for Thanksgiving. I am soo excited to see them I miss them so much. They are also bringing out the little girls that are living with them which will be really fun. We are going to do some baby shopping!!
So that is really all that is going on now. We will update you on our next doctors appointment if not sooner:)
Posted by Kayti at 12:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Exciting Update!!
So life has been very busy lately, Eddy and I have both been working two jobs and going to school. Then about two and a half weeks ago we found out that I am pregnant! We were not planning on having a baby for at least a year or two so it was a big shock and it took us awhile to get excited about it but we are starting to really get excited and preparing for it. We think we will be due sometime mid May and will be keeping everyone updated:)
Other than that I guess nothing else is really worth reporting...
Posted by Kayti at 4:46 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
"Fire" Works
So I am obviously not a frequent blogger so to update everyone on our lives I will start with our fourth of July. We spent the day being lazy together watching movies and playing cards. In the evening we went to Harrison and Tarrant's house for a bbq with their roommate Steve. We ate yummy food, played singstar, and watched Team America. That night we did our own little fireworks in the street which were fun. As Eddy and I were driving home about 11:15 our night started to get a bit more exciting. As we were heading to get on the freeway we stopped to watch a huge fire across the freeway at the Kenecott mines. It was insane how fast the fire would rise up and as the firemen tried to put it out and control it it would just spread farther. So we called Tarrant and Harrison. They decided to meet us to watch the fire. When they arrived we walked closer to the freeway to see it. As we were walking two cars sped by us one on the other guys bumper. The next thing we hear a huge crash and a guy yelling "I have a kid in my car" but not so nicely. We started to run towards the accident and the guy that had hit the car in front did a 3 point turn and started to speed off. People all around tried to close in the guy with their cars and Eddy even jumped in front of the car! But this guy was not slowing down. Luckily Eddy jumped out of the way and civilians raced after him in their minivans. There were cops at the intersection to the freeway so were right there and able to quickly follow him. Thankfully the car that was hit containing a man his wife and their toddler were all fine just shaken up. After watching this it was hard for me to hold back tears. Even though no one was hurt I felt horrible for them and disgusted with the man that had hit them. I also was in shock from Eddy jumping in front of a speeding car. I couldn't help but feel like I could've been riding in an ambulance with him that night. Although I know now that is a little dramatic.
So since the fourth of July Eddy has started his training at Red Robin which officially opens next week. He is loving it but feeling a little worn out since training has been almost every day the past week. I have been working, spending some time with Daniel for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBSU), and going to the gym. I have decided to participate in a 5k with my aunt in September so I am beginning to train for that and build up my endurance.
That is really about it going on with us for right now. We aren't the most exciting couple;) just kidding!
Posted by Kayti at 2:08 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Summer Fun
So far the major highlight of our summer has been relaxing and taking a break from school, which seems to be coming up pretty quickly. I am happy to announce that I have been accepted in to Phi Thetta Kappa, the national honours society for 2 year colleges. I am kind of excited to start school again because I am really hoping that I will be able to finish my associates this year!

So it seems almost every week that we are not camping or busy with other things we go to a movie. Our favourite movie so far this summer has been Sex and the City. Yes it was Eddy's favourite as well. So we have started buying the seasons at Costco and watching a couple episodes every night. I would definitely recommend watching the movie:) Among other movies we have seen and liked The Happening (even despite the bad reviews it received), Get Smart, Iron Man, What Happens in Vegas, and Indiana Jones IV. Tonight we are going to see WallE with Rhae and the kids, which should be fun:)
Some exciting news is Eddy has gotten a second job! He was hired on as a server at the new Red Robin. He starts training on the 7th of July. He is pretty excited for that as am I. The rest of our summer will consist of swimming, some camping, and relaxing:)
Posted by Kayti at 10:53 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Family Fun
My Mum, sister Tressie, brother Cooper, and our family's two temporary girls came out for about two weeks beginning of June and just went home on Sunday from our family reunion. The two little girls, Courtney 2 and Navaeh 8 months, have been raised in the small town in Nebraska that my parents live in and have not had the chance to really enjoy things such as the zoo. So we took the girls to the gateway mall, the planetarium, the temple, and the zoo. It was so much fun to see how much fun these simple things were for the girls. I fell in love with Courtney and we became buddies. She came to work with me twice, had a sleep over, went shopping, and hung out the whole time. I had so much fun helping take care of the girls and playing with them. I can not wait to have my own children:) It was very hard to see my whole family go and very hard to see the girls go knowing that I may not get to see them again. I just wanted to keep them here with me!

Posted by Kayti at 12:36 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
What's New....
There really isn't to much exciting and new going on in our lives. Last week was my 20th birthday and Eddy made it very special;) He brought me flowers and star balloons to work with the funniest and cutest card ever. After work he had made reservations for dinner at the Melting Pot. The Melting Pot is a fondue restaurant, it is pretty pricey, but very good. My present was a hot pink nano ipod which I actually received a couple weeks ago. We then had ice cream cake from Coldstone on Saturday with Rhaelene, Siobhan, Duncan, and Rory since Rhaelene's birthday was the day before mine. We then went and saw Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. It was very good but did have a few parts that were a bit ridiculous and the movie could've gone without.
For memorial day Sunday and Monday we went camping at Crystal Hot Springs with Harrison, Rhaelene, and the kids. We had lots of fun setting up our tents and trying to get a fire going so we could cook our tin foil dinners and roast marshmallows for smores. We eventually got it going after Harrison and Eddy drove to Brigham city to buy lighter fluid and charcoals. We had lots of fun playing cards and football. Although Early Monday morning it started to rain on and off. By the time we started to pack up it was raining pretty steady and once we were all packed up we were all wet and cold. We decided to go to the hot springs even though it was raining since that was one of the major reasons we camped there. The hot springs felt very nice in the rain. Rory was terrified of getting in and took lots of persuading but once in he loved it and didn't want to go. Coming home was nice and I was so worn out I took a long nap.
Yesterday I spent sometime with my "little" brother, Daniel, for Big Brothers Big Sisters. His birthday was May 8th so I brought him some cupcakes and took him to his school playground near his house. We had lots of fun playing on the swings, monkey bars, slides, etc. We played catch with these paddles that have suction cups on them so the ball sticks to them. I think that was probably his favourite part since he was very good at throwing it and catching.
After spending time with Daniel I met with Eddy and our friends, Russ, Katie, and Jeff for dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. It was so good to see them and dinner was lots of fun. They made me stand up and wear a hula skirt and lei and do the hula as everyone in the restaurant sang happy birthday. I was super embarrassed but Eddy got up and danced with me so it wasn't so bad.
Now it is the weekend... YAY! We are going to see Sex and the City tonight which I am pretty excited about. Tomorrow is his family bbq since his parents will be gone pretty much all summer. It will be nice and warm tomorrow so I am hoping to play outside and get some sun!
Well that is it for now...
Posted by Kayti at 1:34 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
Trip to Michigan:

Posted by Kayti at 2:09 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Married Life
It has been quite awhile since I last posted and so much has happened! Eddy and I have now been married for over a month. Our wedding was beautiful and lots of fun. It was so good to have all of our family and friends there. We went to California for our honeymoon and stayed in a studio hotel on Sunset beach near Huntington beach. We spent a day at Huntington beach, a day at Santa Monica pier, a day at Disneyland, and a day on Hollywood Blvd. We had a lot of fun and it was so relaxing after being so busy with wedding planning, school, and work.
Since we have been home we have been busy organizing our home, going to school, getting ready for finals, and working. I have had some exciting things happen, I was asked to join Chi Thetta Kappa which is the national honors society for 2 year colleges. This has opened the door for many scholarship opportunities that I am working towards. I have also finally been matched with a little brother for Big Brothers Big sisters, which has taken over a year. My little brother's name is Daniel and he will be 8 on May 8th. We went on our first activity on Tuesday to the Planetarium. He thought it was so cool to stand on the Mars planet they have set up. We will be hanging out again this weekend at my house just playing games and baking cookies. This weekend is going to be very busy with hanging out with some friends, spending time with my little brother, going to our new ward for the first time, and going to visit Harrison and Tarrant at their new house for Sunday dinner.
We haven't been able to attend our new ward because of miscommunication of starting times and being out of town. We just went to Michigan for my best friend Stephanie's older brother's wedding. It was a fun trip and a gorgeous wedding.
That is really about all the news we have for now but we do have tons of pictures to share and will post them soon from our wedding, honeymoon, and trip to Michigan.
Posted by Kayti at 9:22 AM 0 comments