My Mum, sister Tressie, brother Cooper, and our family's two temporary girls came out for about two weeks beginning of June and just went home on Sunday from our family reunion. The two little girls, Courtney 2 and Navaeh 8 months, have been raised in the small town in Nebraska that my parents live in and have not had the chance to really enjoy things such as the zoo. So we took the girls to the gateway mall, the planetarium, the temple, and the zoo. It was so much fun to see how much fun these simple things were for the girls. I fell in love with Courtney and we became buddies. She came to work with me twice, had a sleep over, went shopping, and hung out the whole time. I had so much fun helping take care of the girls and playing with them. I can not wait to have my own children:) It was very hard to see my whole family go and very hard to see the girls go knowing that I may not get to see them again. I just wanted to keep them here with me!

We miss you too Kayti, and could never have had such a great time without all the help from you and Eddy Love you both so much.
that picture at the soccer game... SO FREAKIN CUTE! i cannot wait to see you! Wednesday?
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